Major Arcana

The Lovers

The Lovers

The Lovers

Number: 6
Astrology: Gemini

The Lovers tarot card is deeply symbolic of love, emotions, and relationships. Depicting figures reminiscent of Adam and Eve or King Sol and Queen Luna, with Cupid or Venus often central to the imagery, this card symbolises choices in relationships between partners, family, and friends. It prompts contemplation on whether the love shared is primarily physical and earthly or spiritual and transcendent.

In Love

Love tarot readings often highlight the potential for happiness and emotional fulfilment in relationships when The Lovers appear. Mutual love and trust are emphasised, guiding individuals to make choices that align with their emotional and spiritual needs. It encourages equality and respect for one another. Any challenges in relationships are seen as opportunities for growth rather than barriers.

In Work

When The Lovers card appears in a career reading, it suggests the potential for creating new working partnerships that align with your values and goals. Collaborating with others who share similar work ethics can lead to positive outcomes and success.

Negative Aspect

In the reversed position, The Lovers may indicate unresolved issues or misunderstandings in relationships. It urges individuals to address these challenges with openness and understanding to foster harmony.

For those seeking deeper insights into their relationships or career path, consider exploring online tarot readings or professional tarot readings to uncover the guidance The Lovers card offers.

Meet the Psychic


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Chloe is a Natural Empath with 20 years’ experience in Tarot Reading. She offers guidance for the problems at hand, providing empowering results, allowing her clients to move forward in the right direction. She has experience in Life Coaching, Dream Analysis, Remote Viewing, and Spiritual Healing.

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