Suit of Cups

Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups


Has the depiction of a single cup which is overflowing whilst being held in the palm of a hand with a dove of peace above the cup, which represents the cup of emotions, maybe yours is about to fill over with the abundance of a new unrequited love or soulmate to come in, however, if you are currently in a relationship this could be a reigniting of passion within an existing love or union, the cup can also speak of fertility or rebirth, maybe reawakening the love you have inside and have not allowed yourself to feel or give, remember my friend that your first and ultimate love should be with yourself, you need to learn to love yourself and only then can you allow yourself to give and receive the blessings of this new love which is about to embrace you at this time.

This card speaks of your psychic awareness, becoming conscious of your inner voice, one’s gut feelings and honouring your inner whisperings which are gently nudging you into action, allow yourself to go within viscerally whilst trusting, paying attention to the repeated whisperings of your mind, especially if it speaks of love, permit yourself with acceptance to grow or establish a loving, giving relationship with empathy, an unconditional love, thus allowing you to express deep feelings which will soar. You may also be urged to “let go” and send forgiveness to past hurts, this card heralds a poignant and significant emotional experience, please be open to receiving the blessings about to be bestowed upon you.

Meet the Psychic

India Jo

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India Jo is an Empathic Psychic who works in the realms of Reiki and Angelic Spiritual Healing. She loves to read people’s auras, and tends to work free hand. She can also work with Chakras, Crystals, Guardian Angels, and Pendulums. India Jo is an enlightening and honest reader who aims to provide positive and uplifting readings.

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