Suit of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles

The Seven of Pentacles represents imagining alternatives, evaluation, or dissatisfaction. Number Seven in numerology represents completeness and perfection. In the picture of this card, you will see a young man standing with his chin placed on a long-handled hoe. He is taking a break to reevaluate. He represents a gardener or farmer. He is in awe of his carefully tended crops, lush of colour in greens and browns. He is satisfied. Among the greenery are his seven pentacles.

Standing upright

This represents sealing a business deal, signing on the ‘dotted line.’  There could be new developments in a project or deal. There could be great accomplishment at hand, you may not realise. This card may also indicate that you should check your work more thoroughly as there may be a small mistake which could cost you big. Plan and you shall accomplish.

Standing in reverse 

This can indicate dissatisfaction with an outcome or results of a project. You may have put much effort into something for a required outcome, but this may not have come to fruition as intended. You may feel ready to begin again. This could also indicate impatience in your projects. 


I feel that you may be disappointed in a job or project you are doing or involved in right now. You have grounded yourself and worked hard to accomplish where you are in your life financially. It may be that on the surface everything looks pretty and roses. People admire you for your challenging work and what you have produced during your work or project. I feel a sense of frustration because you are now drawing the conclusion that you are underpaid or that your superiors do not value what you do or understand how hard you do work. It may be that the time has come to go and discover alternatives or accept new projects elsewhere where you will be rewarded accordingly. The card is indicating not to hang around any longer. Continue your journey and you will surely find the rewards you seek.

Meet the Psychic

Michelle Stars

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Michelle Stars has been providing professional Psychic Readings for over 30 years. She is a Natural Psychic Reader and works with her Spirit Guides and Oracle Cards to bring you insight and guidance. She tends to focus on Love or Career readings, as well as being an expert Twin Flame / Soul Mate reader.

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