Suit of Swords

Ten of Swords

Ten of Swords


Associated with Air Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

A situation is ending and loss should be expected when we see this card in a reading. Traditionally it represents a betrayal and hurt. It is a card of seeing the truth in a situation which causes upset to the querent. In work, someone is being overlooked for a role or promotion. It can also be that a confidence has been broken. In love it is usually the ending of a relationship, the querent could have been disregarded by their person or even cheated on. Overall this card indicates that an ending is coming so that a new beginning can take place. Although difficult to overcome, we will overcome and learn lessons in the process.

If reversed, you will see improvements taking place, any setbacks will be minor. We are reminded to remain watchful of those around us as there could be deception. Try to look at your life from a more logical perspective, remove your emotions, and you will realise that things are not as bad as first thought.

Meet the Psychic


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Heather is a Natural Psychic, who loves using her psychic abilities to guide you. She connects to her Spirit Guides, as well as providing insights with a general Tarot Card Reading. Her favourite Psychic Tool is her Tarot Cards, but can also work with Crystals, Angel Cards, or free hand. She is a friendly, positive person and puts that energy into her readings.

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