Carlos Alexander

Carlos Alexander

Pin: 6968

About Carlos Alexander

Warm welcome, My name is Carlos Alexander. I have been so lucky to travel the world. I have been reading professionally for over 15 years now. I've worked in the USA and Asia aswell as the UK. I loved this so much, and came back to the UK in my early 30s. So I have been blessed to work so hard and well for the short time I've been travelling. How I work is I see what's in the cards and tell you what I see. I give insight in your readings at all times and enlighten and encourage as much as I can. I love speaking to people it's not just doing the reading and that’s it, it's about caring and showing empathy at all times no matter how long or short the reading lasts It's about putting the customer first .I am a caring person and I love to give honest readings and get straight to the point with no messing round. My favourite most inspirational quote is “Always follow your head not your heart ♥” During my spare time I like to go to the gym to swim and use the sauna and steam room. I love to eat out in the evening and enjoy chilled evenings with friends in a great atmosphere. So if you are looking for a professional caring honest reading I am your man Hope to speak to you soon. Love and Light Carlos Alexander

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