Suit of Wands

Eight of Wands

Eight of Wands

The Card

The Eight of Wands card suggests a time to act. To send out ideas, dreams and wishes and to act upon them now, to seize the day while fortunes are blessed. The card shows a figure leaning to one side with strength and power. They're firing eight fiery wands into the air from a bow. The figure is focused, feet firmly planted into the ground. It’s an action figure, who is fearless. The archer fires eight different wands, all heading off in different directions, but heading into the distance. This suggests that, in life, you can go in many directions and paths, but sometimes you just have the minus touch and every road leads to success. The eight wands flying into the air destined to hit their targets, this implies that they are vast possibilities to be taken. It’s a time of limitless visions and throwing caution to the wind. The castle in the distance represents goals and aims.


When to act and when to sit tight and wait can be a difficult game to play. If upside down, the Eight of Wands may suggest that too much time has been wasted with non-action. Resting or over thinking will only delay things, and even miss great opportunities. This can suggest that spreading yourself too thin at this time is not a good idea. Focus on one or two things until the time is more optimistic.

In Career

This card is a creative card, especially for career or work reading. It implies that creative endeavours and ideas are positive and should be acted on asap. Expansion in Business, to grow and expand is favourable at this time. At work, it can suggest promotion, especially in management.

In Love

It's time to glam up, put your best shoes on and head out. Eight wands show the flirty side, sensual pleasure of new connections. Fiery sign of the wands shows it’s up to the individual to lead the way and not wait for others.

Meet the Psychic


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Nigel is a friendly Natural Psychic who has been providing Psychic Readings for over 10 years. He uses his Oracle Cards to tune into any questions that you may have, whilst also working free hand, gaining extra insight from his Spirit Guides. His Psychic Readings are calm, uplifting, and enlightening. Nigel provides a place where anyone can feel comfortable.

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