Major Arcana

The Hierophant

The Hierophant

The Hierophant

Number: 5

Astrology: Taurus

The Hierophant tarot card meaning symbolises tradition, conservatism, and the role of the spiritual teacher. Often depicted as the visible and spoken word of God, he passes down knowledge and conducts rituals and rites of passage. Seated between two pillars representing law and liberty, he wears a flowing gown and a triple crown, with the keys to Heaven at his feet or in his hand. His right hand is raised in a gesture of blessing, emphasising his role as a conduit of spiritual wisdom.

In Love

In love tarot readings, The Hierophant can signify that religion or spirituality plays a significant role in how partners are chosen or how relationships evolve. You might be entering a relationship that is deeply spiritual, or an existing relationship could become more serious, potentially leading to marriage. The Hierophant reminds us to treat our partners with moral integrity and love, reinforcing the importance of ethical and compassionate behaviour in relationships.

In Work

In career tarot readings, The Hierophant suggests that working collaboratively with others will be especially rewarding at this time. You may find yourself in the role of a teacher, mentor, or counsellor, imparting wisdom and guidance to those around you. It’s advisable to stick with tried-and-tested methods and not overextend yourself in trying to please everyone. A mentor could emerge to help you advance in your career, offering valuable advice and support.


When The Hierophant appears reversed, it warns against rigid adherence to tradition and doing everything strictly by the book, which can lead to tensions and difficulties. Wearing a mask at work to fit in might make you feel accepted temporarily, but it’s important to find a balance between conformity and authenticity. Overcoming these challenges involves being open to new ideas and approaches while staying true to your core values.

Meet the Psychic


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Chloe is a Natural Empath with 20 years’ experience in Tarot Reading. She offers guidance for the problems at hand, providing empowering results, allowing her clients to move forward in the right direction. She has experience in Life Coaching, Dream Analysis, Remote Viewing, and Spiritual Healing.

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