Suit of Swords

Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords


Air Signs: Aquarius, Gemini and Libra.

This Ace card represents a major breakthrough in a situation. You are gaining clarity and wisdom. Your thinking is no longer clouded by doubts or fears. A decision is made regarding your progress. In work, seeing this card can mean you are being heard or recognised, however if reversed your efforts are not being seen or acknowledged. There is a lack of progress due to being overlooked. For love readings, this card represents a transition that is taking place. Truth about your person or your connection is becoming clear. You could be taking major steps in your relationship such as deciding to be exclusive or to move in together. Should the card be reversed, the truth remains hidden. Your person could be telling you lies or holding back.

Ace Cards are divinely guided which means essentially that the Universe is bringing you a message for your highest good and to put you on the right pathway. Truth is double edged just like the sword, knowing the truth about a situation or a person helps you to realise whether it’s something good for you or not.

Meet the Psychic


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Heather is a Natural Psychic, who loves using her psychic abilities to guide you. She connects to her Spirit Guides, as well as providing insights with a general Tarot Card Reading. Her favourite Psychic Tool is her Tarot Cards, but can also work with Crystals, Angel Cards, or free hand. She is a friendly, positive person and puts that energy into her readings.

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