Suit of Swords

Two of Swords

Two of Swords


Air Sign Energy.

When we see this card, the querent (subject of the reading) is facing a choice. They have a big decision to make regarding their long term happiness. Whether asking about work or love, seeing this card in the future shows that the decision has yet to be faced. It could be choosing between job offers or choosing what action to take regarding a person such as to call them or not to call them. This is a card that tends to need clarification for more information during a reading, i.e. picking out more cards to figure out what are the options and expand further from there.

If reversed, this card represents peace and tranquillity. Decisions on important matters have been made and action has been taken.

This is one of those cards in Tarot often associated with Twin Flames. The Two Swords on the card look the same but are pointing in different directions. Often Twin Flames face many obstacles and choices before they are able to come into union. This card frequently comes up in Twin Flame readings as each twin overcomes whatever challenge is before them.

Meet the Psychic


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Heather is a Natural Psychic, who loves using her psychic abilities to guide you. She connects to her Spirit Guides, as well as providing insights with a general Tarot Card Reading. Her favourite Psychic Tool is her Tarot Cards, but can also work with Crystals, Angel Cards, or free hand. She is a friendly, positive person and puts that energy into her readings.

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