Suit of Swords

Nine of Swords

Nine of Swords


Associated with Air Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Traditionally a card of anxiety, worry and stress – it is also the card of Dreamtime and Spiritual Awakening. Seeing this card in a reading indicates that the third eye and crown chakras are active. Disturbed sleep at this time is likely, or a person is having vivid dreams. In work, the appearance of this card highlights a need for downtime, you could be putting all of your efforts towards work at this time with little reward. Or perhaps there is an element of overthinking when it comes to work situations. Nonetheless, the querent is reminded here to take some time out to relax and unwind. Perhaps meditate more, or stop taking work home with them, anything that will allow them some peace of mind. In love, this is late night thinking. This person’s time is consumed with thoughts of the other person to the point of being unable to sleep properly.

In Twin Flame Readings, seeing this card by itself does not mean that you are dealing with a twin flame. However, it does indicate a sign of the Twin Flame connection. Twins have a telepathic link, they often dream about one another and feel one another’s energy across huge distances. When this card appears in a twin flame reading, it points to the ‘energetic’ connection between two people.

Meet the Psychic


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Heather is a Natural Psychic, who loves using her psychic abilities to guide you. She connects to her Spirit Guides, as well as providing insights with a general Tarot Card Reading. Her favourite Psychic Tool is her Tarot Cards, but can also work with Crystals, Angel Cards, or free hand. She is a friendly, positive person and puts that energy into her readings.

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