About Alexandra

Hi there! My name is Alexandra, and I have been a practising psychic reader since I was sixteen years old. My abilities came through at a very young age, and I was learning tarot by the time I was an early teenager. Since then, I have only continued to grow in my gifts, and now at age 23 I can offer a wide range of professional and high quality readings and have received very positive reviews. My aim as a reader is to help you feel that little bit more at ease with any decisions, struggles, or questions you may be experiencing in your life. Whether they be relationship, family, or career focused, my goal is to provide you with the clear truth of your situation, allowing you to feel more comfortable and confident in your next steps, whatever they may be. I will always be honest, and ensure that you leave our session feeling as though your queries have been acknowledged and answered in a sincere and compassionate manner. I also do offer past life readings and chakra readings! I do also hold qualifications in counselling skills, so I am very empathetic, and good with dealing with emotions and offering that extra support if needed. I want to thank you for visiting my profile, and invite you to consider giving me a call, if you feel as though my skills and experience may be a suitable match for you!

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