November 2020 – Monthly Horoscopes – with Sky Silverstone
Mar 20th – Apr 20th
Dear Aries. November starts with your ruler Mars continuing his retrograde in your sign, as has been for the last few months. However, good news, because from the 14th mighty Mars energies start to harmonize and balance out, as he starts to go forward. So Aries, gradually your energies of ‘go-get, to act and to pursue,’ start to erupt gradually. Your mental and physical focus also follows through in the same way. All the while Venus, the Goddess of Love & Relationships is travelling through your personal sector of relationships, commitments and contracts till the 21st.
This could bring you favour and attention from those around you, also pushing singletons to seek more solidity in their relationships. The planet of communication, travel & logic Mercury, is retrograde in this very area as well and may have been creating miscommunications within your relationships. However, this is short-lived! As Mercury is direct from the 3rd. Overall with Mars and Mercury direct, it’s about engaging the onwards & upwards energy! Have a great November awesome Aires.
Apr 20th – May 21st
Dear Taurus. November starts with your ruler Venus travelling through your associated sign of Libra. This is plus for you in two ways, one, Libra will always be linked to you as Venus is the ruler for both your signs therefore bringing you positive energies. Secondly Libra represents your sector of daily work and everyday routines. This brings you favour, respect or recognition in your work areas, or you may be driven with a desire to look good & feel good through enhancing your general wellbeing.
The planet that governs all types of communication, travel and logic, Mercury, is in retrograde in this very area but he’s only throwing ‘spanners in the works’ till the 3rd after which Mercury is direct. However your ruler Venus has great offerings for your work areas to combat any other retrograde, and after the 21st Venus moves on, to uplift relationships and commitment areas. Overall with Venus in favourable areas and Mercury direct, it’s about to take life with an attitude of onwards & upwards! Have a great November Taureans.
May 21st – Jun 21st
Dear Gemini. November is an exciting month as your ruling planet, Mercury ‘The Messenger and Communicator,’ becomes direct from retrograde on the 3rd. Harmony and balance are restored to your focus, actions and life in general. Action creating Mars has been retrograding for a few months in your sector of friendships and social connections but becomes direct from the 14th so restoring energies here. More good news as the Goddess of Love & Abundance is in an area she expands and excels in, the sector of romance, lovers, fun, recreational & social scenarios.
Although we’re all socially restricted for obvious reasons, Venus in this area is still a great plus as you’re favoured or sought after in some way. All the while the almighty Sun is putting a spotlight on areas of your daily work, everyday routines & wellbeing till the 21st. There’s a culminating power of the Full Moon in your sign on the 30th which has a kick to it, as there’s a Lunar Eclipse attached to it. But overall the plus is with Mars and Mercury direct, it’s onwards & upwards! Have a great November Gems!
Jun 21st – Jul 23rd
Dear Cancerians. November starts with Mercury the ‘Messenger and Communicator,’ in retrograde in your sector of home, family, children or the father figure. This may have been throwing ‘spanners in the works,’ here but this month it’s short-lived, as from the 3rd Mercury is direct, yay! Harmony, balance and success are restored and you could feel more connected to these areas. All the while another power planet has been in retrograde, Mars, has been reversing for a few months dampening areas of career, ambitions and your reputation.
You may have felt held back, lack-lustre and lacking a feeling of go-get. However, the good news is here as of the 14th as Mars moves forward. This it’s a time to chase some goals. Your ruler The Moon has major power-packed energies in store for you as there’s a Lunar Eclipse attached to the Full Moon on the 30th. Making it a time to take care of areas of the mind, thoughts and feelings. Overall with Mars and Mercury direct, it’s about engaging an energy onwards & upwards! Have a great November little crabs!
Jul 23rd – Aug 23rd
Dear Leo. November starts with Mercury the Messenger and Communicator in retrograde in an area he governs, your sector of communication, short trips and quick contacts. However from the 3rd Mercury is direct, where harmony and balance are restored to these areas. At the same time the Goddess of Love & Abundance, Venus, is combating Mercury’s retrograde energies as she’s also in this area till the 21st. Now with her help, you could be favoured or sought after for your ‘say-so’ or your opinions are sought after in some way.
All the while the almighty Sun is shining a spotlight on your personal areas of your home, family, and/or the father-figure in your life. Power-packed Mars has been held back in his energies through his retrograde occurring in your fellow fire-sign Airies which is also your sector of mental/physical journeys, studies and change of scenery. This creates a general dampening of your energies in general. However, Mars is direct on the 14th and so comes harmony and focus of both the mental and physical within you. Overall with Mars and Mercury direct, it’s about engaging an attitude of ‘onwards & upwards!’ Have a great November luscious Leo’s!
Aug 23rd – Sep 23rd
Dear Virgo. November starts with your ruler ‘The Messenger & Communicator’ Mercury, in retrograde in areas of your wellbeing and self-worth. However, this is short-lived this month as Mercury moves directly from the 3rd thus restoring harmony and balance in your life. At the same time, Mars has been dampened in his power as he also retrogrades through the areas of your sexuality and secrets. Normally Mars creates passion in this area but is restricted till the 14th from then he moves directly thus restoring energies and your focus once again.
All the while the almighty Sun is shining a spotlight on areas of your communications and quick chats by highlighting these in some way. Now a big plus for you is that Venus the Goddess of Love and Abundance is travelling through a house she governs for you, that being self-worth. This can bring you dividends towards positive changes in these areas depending on your efforts and focus. Overall with Mars and Mercury direct, it’s about moving onwards & upwards! Have a great November Virgoans!
Sep 23rd – Oct 23rd
Dear Libra. November is awesome for you, as your ruler, Venus is in your sign till the 21st. This brings you, some or all or her positive attributes where you may be sought after professionally and/or romantically. Earning respect or recognition or pushing you to make positive changes with your image. In particular, there’s an awesome day for overall success in your life, the 13th because Venus is conjunct the Moon, which is an amazing culmination of energies of both these planets.
Now Mercury has been retrograding, throwing ‘spanners in the works’ of communications, travel & logical thoughts, as the month starts off with this in play. However, this is short-lived as Mercury is then direct on the 3rd thus harmony and balance slowly restores itself. Mars the power-giver has also been in retrograde in areas of your relationships and commitments, but again good news as he also moves directly from the 14th All the while the almighty Sun shines its spotlight on your house of self-worth. Overall with Mars and Mercury moving direct, it’s about moving onwards & upwards! Have a great November lovely Librans!
Oct 23rd – Nov 22nd
Dear Scorpio. November is power-packed for you as it’s all happening in Scorpio! The almighty Sun shines a spotlight on you, naturally, as it travels through your sign till the 21st. Mercury ‘The Messenger & Communicator’ is dampening all forms of communication, travel and the mind, but this is short-lived as he moves direct on the 3rd. Then Mercury uplifts your world as he enters your sign from the 14th. The driving force that is, Mars has also been restricted, as he’s also been in retrograde for a few months now, dampening your go-get and action energies.
Again harmony comes in, as he also moves directly from the 14th. On the 15th the refreshing and renewal of the New Moon are in Scorpio making a time to set a new agenda or re-energise something in your life with fresh interest. It keeps getting better as the Goddess of Love & Abundance Venus enters your sign on the 21st enhancing your presence in the world, bringing you her positive attributes in some way. Overall with Mars and Mercury direct, and Venus batting for you, it’s about engaging an attitude of onwards & upwards! Have a great November super Scorpios!
Nov 22nd – Dec 22nd
Dear Sagittarius. November has some amazing aspects occurring in your house of self-worth. This is through the trio of power-packed planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto travelling through this sector. This is highly energising relating to your ruler Jupiter, being in conjunction with Saturn and Pluto in this house, all starting around the second week of the month. You may find new opportunities opening up through challenges turning to success in your wellbeing.
Mercury the ‘Messenger and Communicator’ starts the month retrograding in your friendships zone. However, this is short-lived as Mercury becomes direct on the 3rd thus bringing harmony and balance for you. All the while Mars the creator of passion and action has been dampened, as he’s been retrograding in your love, romance and fun areas. But again Mars also turns direct from the 14th. The spotlight then shines on you as the almighty Sun enters your sign from the 21st. Overall, Mars and Mercury being direct and the Sun in your sign, it’s about engaging the attitude of onwards & upwards! Have a great November super Saggies.
Dec 22nd – Jan 20th
Dear Capricorn. November could be a month of conquering challenges to open doors to success for you in some way. This is through the trio of planets, including your ruler Saturn, with Jupiter and Pluto, working their magic as they travel through your sign. The good news is that their power becomes supercharged from about the 10th as they link together in conjunction, bringing you some level of success where they may have been challenges or difficulty.
Now, the ‘Messenger and Communicator’ Mercury, has been retrograding dampening your friendships zone and all forms of communication. But this is short-lived as he moves directly from the 3rd. Another major retrograde Mars, who drives your action energy, but instead it’s been holding you back through its reverse gear, now goes direct from the 14th. Overall with 3 planets in your sign playing well together, then Mars and Mercury direct, it’s about engaging an attitude of onwards & upwards! Have a great November Caps!
Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Dear Aquarius. November starts with Mercury ‘The Messenger and Communicator,’ dampening areas of your journeys – both mental & physical, studies and all forms of communications. However, any ‘spanners in the works’ start to resolve themselves as Mercury goes direct on the 3rd. Another retrograde blocking your action and go get passions, is that of fiery Mars, reversing in areas of your communication, short rips and quick/short chats. Again harmony restored to this area too, as Mars moves direct on the 14th.
All the while the almighty Sun put a massive spotlight on your career, ambitions, respect and reputation as it travels through this zone till the 21st. This would a great time to chase a personal goal, ambition or gain recognition for your hard work in something. Overall with Mars and Mercury direct, it’s about engaging an attitude of onwards & upwards! Have a great November awesome Aquarians.
Feb 18th – Mar 20th
Dear Pisces. November starts with Mercury ‘The Messenger and Communicator in retrograde creating issues in areas of sexuality or secrets and of course communication is challenged in some way. However, this is short-lived as Mercury moves forward on the 3rd and slowly, harmony and balance are restored. Major news with your ruler Neptune, governor of the psychic, intuition, illusion and creative pursuits moving direct at the end of the month on the 29th.
Your sector of friendships is given a huge boost in a way specific to you, through the trio of planetary giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto travelling through this zone because from the 10th all three planets become ‘conjunct.’ This aspect could uplift, energise and lighten your challenges to transform them into successes in some way. Overall with your ruler Neptune, Mars and Mercury direct this month, it’s about engaging your positive energies with an attitude of onwards & upwards! Have a great November awesome little fishes.
Blessed November to you all.
Sky x
Who is Sky Silverstone?
Sky Silverstone is an astrologer, crystal healer, numerologist, colour analyst, and life coach. She has a very open, caring and friendly nature. She makes regular appearances on Psychic Today. Sky would love to give you an astrological reading too! Contact her here:
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