Full Moon in Gemini – 15th December 2024
By Indigo’s Oracle
The last “Full Moon” of 2024 is in December; on Sunday 15th and it is commonly known as “The Cold Moon”. It is said to be a time for emotional release and letting go of things that no longer work.
If you consider the life cycle of a tree. It develops and becomes full taking in all the goodness around it. When it needs to preserve energy to fight the hard winter it releases the parts of it that are wasting energy. Humans are just the same. We need to continuously re-evaluate what is beneficial and who is beneficial for us and what and who we need to let go off. The letting go can also be self limiting beliefs, shame, regret or grief.
Here are a few suggestions to assist this special time preparing for the holiday celebrations and “New Year!”
Clearing & cleansing your space.
Remove clutter from your physical and visual surroundings. You can do this by deep cleaning, clearing clutter. (remember one person’s rubbish is another person’s treasure)
Clearing space also means tidying up your phone contacts, photos, files, an overflowing email as well as unopened browser tabs, or things you no longer wear or use.
The Cold Moon is said to be a time for emotional release and letting go.
Release ritual
We begin by making a sacred space to call in the moons energy to assist with our wishes. You can make a sacred space by subtle lighting candles, burning incense, or playing soft music.
- Close your eyes and visualise things you want to let go of leaving your life.
- Write down what you want to release on a piece of paper.
- Take the paper outside under the Full moon and burn the paper.
“Under the glorious Cold Moon sky”
“I set the intention that the embers will fly”
“High above and away from my live”
“Exchanging them for my wishes & less strife”
Next it is time to set your intentions.
Use the full moon magic as an opportunity to power up your goals for 2025.
Get a plain piece of paper and write what you wish to call into your life, you can draw and college. Small details matter, don’t limit yourself. This is the vision board for 2025.
When it is full and completed sign and date it mark it “so mote it be” or “blessed be“. To add to the magic place it in your home in the position of east. Await the abundance with excitement and patience.
Wishing you wonders,
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