September 2017 Monthly Horoscopes
Hello, and welcome to another month!
September brings with it a few tension relieving events- first of which being: Mercury stations direct on the 5th. Can I get a “Yay!”? Granted, for about a week or so, we may still be seeing some echos of the issues as we still contend with the shadow phase. Pay attention to these, as revising the way you do things will hold tremendous benefit now. On this same day, Mars also goes back into Virgo- enabling us to be a bit more precise in our plans, the way we move forward.
On the 6th, we’ve got that Full Moon in Pisces. Though of course, we’ll have a blog post exploring this further, you can expect some very odd coincidences- or are they? Also, you should use this to explore areas you may still yet not see clearly.
Mercury moving back into Virgo on the 9th will lend an eye for details and attention to how we’re coming across to others, improving communication. With a trine between the Sun and transformative Pluto during this time- using that communication will be key. You can use the things you say to impress others and make big changes for the better.
Love gets a positive focus
On the 15th, love gets another big boost as a sextile between Venus and Jupiter. Not only can this make for excellent, high energy in the bedroom but, it’s a happy, giving energy. Connecting with romantic partners, both existing and new is certainly favored. Take care not to go overboard in anything, but, you know, if you can enjoy yourself- you certainly should! I know I definitely enjoy this sort of playful chemistry.
Venus then forms a trine with Uranus on the 18th. Now this is a weird energy and no bones about it, it can be impulsive and fun- but, Uranus is still retrograde. Intense, random booty calls may be a lot of fun- as long as you keep your expectations realistic. It’s not a particularly good time to begin a relationship, no matter how intense the chemistry. This trine is very positive but at the same time, you may be inclined more to delve into the shadow aspects, I advise, instead, a little fun experimentation to liven an existing relationship, if the restless energy gets to you.
The month takes a bit of a shift now, and this is why I believe you should make the most of the above. The New Moon on the 20th brings together an interesting collection of influences. Hurts and resentments we have but have not addressed may emerge. Still, this influence is a powerful step in the spiritual healing process and can be used to your advantage. It’s not all bad, beautiful fresh starts and second chances are a possibility.
Happy Birthday To All My Libra Friends!
As of the 22nd, The Sun moves into Libra. For those of you who are Libras- it means it’s birthday time and I hope you all get the wishes of your heart in the year ahead.
For all of us- this transit of the Sun means:
When the Sun’s in Libra, our focus becomes relationships- as they are mirrors of ourselves. It is essential during this time that we meet each other halfway and compromise. You should focus on being able to maintain a healthy balance and creating harmony in your relationships with others, now. Now, this is not the easiest thing in the world, as sometimes, what alerts us to a need for balance is unsettling.
In all, plenty of astrological influences at play to make this month one of your best, yet- but, you’re going to be using free will to decide. Which choices will you make? What steps will you take?
This month, in particular offers a lot of different influences which will impact you different ways, depending on your sign, so let’s get right to those.
Have a wonderful month!
Aries September Horoscope
So, Mercury stations direct in Leo on the 5th. Though this is a good thing, for you, Aries, you may find yourself feeling a bit stretched thin before it does. Though motivation won’t be as keen, the things you’ve got to do may pile up.
The Full Moon in Pisces on the 6th may have you addressing ghosts from the past. Things you’ve felt or tried to hide from emotionally may surface. You may feel introspective and a bit bogged down emotionally. Taking some time to indulge yourself in alone time and recharge will help.
As Venus also moves into Virgo on the 19th, you continue the productive trend. However, you’re more keen on doing what you love. If you’re single, you may find your thoughts drift more towards those who pay attention to things that you find important.
The month closes out on a more fun note as Mercury moves into Libra on the 29th. This has you feeling a bit more like relaxing and spending time with those you care about. You may find you’re able to get a bit more done when collaborating. However, on a personal level, improving your relationships with those you are closest to gets a big boost, now.
Taurus September Monthly Horoscope
You may open the month struggling with some intense emotions, Taurus. Before Mercury stations direct on the 5th, you might feel a bit misunderstood. Being open and vulnerable, allowing others the chance to understand you is the way to go.
The Full Moon in Pisces on the 6th brings resolution to longstanding problems. Asking yourself if your connections are in fact mutually beneficial can help. You may feel a little less emotional than earlier in the month, which helps you remain objective.
When your ruler, Venus, moves into Virgo as well, you may be feeling quite loving. Spend time doing the things you love with the people you love, and continue taking care of what you need to.
Once Mercury moves into Libra on the 29th, you’ll find yourself streamlining your plans a bit. Allowing yourself to be more efficient by letting go of things that aren’t working. Your priorities should now be better balance and efficiency, as well as staying focused on the improvements you continue to make.
Gemini September Monthly Horoscope
Mercury is your ruling planet, Gemini. So, having it in that retrograde cycle has had you feeling a bit off kilter for a while now. If you pull back instead of reacting right away, you can prevent many of the misunderstandings that can lead to that. You can save yourself a lot of trouble by simply observing without assumption for now.
This is a weird combination of factors for you, Gemini. Because this same influence can make things much better on the homefront. It’s also a very nice time to start a new project, so that could also be one outlet for this sort of strange energy. Constructively channeling this is key and hobbies and creative projects or even work projects can certainly benefit.
The Full Moon in Pisces on the 6th may bring a lot of rewards with it, which helps your emotional state tremendously. Unfortunately if you haven’t been working on things, you may find delays happen. This is your chance to turn those things around and make right.
Mercury moves into Libra on the 29th, you’ll find you feel a bit better on the whole. Instead, you feel like exploring or furthering those things you’re passionate about. This can make for some scatter brains- but, you can ease this with organization. Others may begin to take more notice of what you do and won’t be shy about expressing it.
Cancer September Monthly Horoscope
For you, Mercury’s stationing direct on the 5th comes as a welcome relief, though the last few days of it may feel like it just won’t end. You will feel as though you can focus more on building stability and getting your life on track. You may find new ideas spring to life and your mind moves quickly. Your passions will keep you quite busy though you’ll also feel like getting out there and mingling, too.
On the 19th, when Venus also moves into Virgo, you’ll be feeling up for a challenge. In your goals, you want to tackle the more challenging aspects. In your love life, you may find intelligent connections flourish. Communication between yourself and those you love opens some doors that may not have otherwise been available. Feeling more comfortable expressing yourself helps.
The New Moon in Virgo on the 20th brings even more things to feel excited by. You will find it is easier to express yourself, your feelings, and ideas. Longstanding issues between yourself and family may also be resolved during this time.
On the 29th, you will find when Mercury moves into Libra, you finally feel more comfortable with the things you feel. You’re even more able to allow yourself to express those things and be vulnerable with those you can trust. You may find your support and love help someone tremendously and your foundations can be strengthened.
Leo September Monthly Horoscope
The first week of the month may feel pretty rough, Leo. As Mercury moves to station direct on the 5th, however, things ease up. You’ll find that Mercury’s direct station brings that your way but also, the desire to move forward once more.
As Mars moves into Virgo this same day, you’ll find that though it’s a bit rough getting going- once you do, you are unstoppable. Now, your focus is more on career and other opportunities. You will discover this is an excellent time for opportunity in work and getting businesses started. This begins a cycle where you are feeling much more capable of improving your stability and foundations.
The Full Moon in Pisces this month on the 6th may throw things a little. Though it may be hard and your feelings may go back and forth, the healing process can begin in earnest.
As Mercury moves into Libra on the 29th, you will feel more capable of expressing yourself. Your ideas and thoughts become your focus and you’re ready to make them known. Others may respond to your passionate ideas as you begin to continue to build stronger progress.
Virgo September Monthly Horoscope
As Mercury moves closer to direct station, you may find the month begins with you still yet feeling old wounds and the past a factor, Virgo. However, on the 5th, this odd sort of energy lifts as in addition to Mercury stationing direct, Mars enters Virgo. You will no longer feel so tied to your past and the issues of such, and more ready to move forward.
The Full Moon in Pisces on the 6th brings you a lot of resolved problems. You can finally correct some of the problems between yourself and those you care about. You can also use this influence to get much closer or perhaps even reach the next level in your commitments. Unfortunately, the other side of this is in some cases, those situations without more solid futures may come apart. You may decide to end these things, to start again. Ultimately, you are moving into a time where you can feel more emotionally stable and have faith in your connections.
As Pluto stations direct on the 28th, so many of the struggles you experienced begin to show reason. That seems a harsh way to say it, but, as you discover the impact of the difficult adjustments you’ve had to make, you’ll realize how you’ve changed for the better. Now, you may find relationships and creative ventures flourish as a result.
On the 29th, Mercury moves into Libra which brings together a lot of your plans. You will find that you’re not really in any mood to rush, yet, this is exactly the time and attention you need. It’s hard to get started, but once you do, you’re feeling strong in moving forward. Though you may feel a little inclined towards self indulgence, a break here and there certainly won’t hurt you.
Libra September Monthly Horoscope
As Mercury retrograde comes to a close on the 5th, you may find until then, you still deal a bit with your own sense of confidence. You may wonder how you can keep the peace. However, once Mercury stations direct things ease up and you’ll find yourself a lot more at ease.
On that same day, you’ll find your urge to collaborate and succeed begins to heighten. Networking, collaborating and working with others is definitely to your benefit, though it may seem awfully taxing. Make sure you balance your work with others and some time, as well as work, on your own.
The New Moon in Virgo occurs on the 20th, you’ll find options for this that further things along. Your biggest successes will in fact be in keeping to yourself, taking care of things on your own. Using your creative mind is the best way forward. Making sure you’re drawing inward constructively, drawing on your own needs and developing your intuition will be key now.
To close out the month, you will discover as Mercury moves into your sign on the 29th: you are far, far less introverted. You’re ready to put yourself out there, speaking your truth and sharing what you’ve learned. Your ideas will give you confidence and strength and you’ll speak them well. This is a good thing, because you will find that as eyes turn toward you, you’ve got something to say, and it is important.
Scorpio September Monthly Horoscope
As Mercury’s retrograde nears its end, you may find the beginning of this month is still a bit of a struggle, Scorpio. You’re still yet not making quite the impression you’d hoped and a delay may cause a problem. However, on the 5th, as the planet stations direct you will find that a bit of a course correct sets you straight.
That same day, on the 5th Mars will move into Virgo- and this is where you find the drive you may have struggled with the past few months. You know that there are opportunities out there and now, you may feel a bit more assertive in going after them. Networking with the right people will take you further and help you more now. You may find also that you reconnect with your conviction and this is a stronger path forward for you.
On the 28th, once you ruler stations direct in Capricorn, you’ll find the hazards you had under Pluto retrograde begin to subside. You will begin to understand them better and understand the direction they were taking you is actually a good one. Though many of the struggles were difficult, you’ve learned a lot. You’ll discover you can now adjust the way you think, plan and even how you come across to others for better results.
To close out the month, Mercury’s transit into Libra on the 29th brings a bit less desire to interact with others. Time for some down time. You will need to recharge a bit and sort out some of the plans and goals you’ve got. During this time, a new inspiration brings a light to some ideas you’d put by the wayside.
Sagittarius September Monthly Horoscope
You may have felt quite stuck for awhile, Sagittarius. The first week of September may seem like more of the same. However, on the 5th, with Mercury stationing direct, you will find that those feelings of being held back or not being as free as you should be begin to lift. You may start to work on balance and using what you’ve got to further grow.
The New Moon for the month is in Virgo, on the 20th. This is the time to get out there and really show people who and what you are, as well as what you have to offer. If, during this time, you begin to experience roadblocks- you may want to pay attention to them. These experiences will show you areas you still yet need to work on.
Pluto stations direct on the 28th, in Capricorn. All the changes you’ve had to work with the past few months begin to reveal the reasons behind them- even if they were painful and didn’t make sense. You’re working on a much stronger path towards the security and commitment you had hoped to find, now. You may feel that things are a bit more steady, now.
As Mercury transits into Libra on the 29th, the month closes on a high note. You might feel more inspired, more innovative and ready to shake some things up. You’re going to be working more actively with those who do things differently- and you’ll be much better for it.
Capricorn Monthly Horoscope
The issues you’ve been dealing with for the past few weeks, emotionally, may begin to level out a bit on the 5th, as Mercury stations direct. The heaviness and anger you may have been dealing with may lift a bit. You’ll find yourself able to feel a bit more hopeful and optimistic.
That same day, you’ll find that as Mars moves into Virgo, you feel a bit of the old ambition coming back. However, it will be geared more towards checking out new things and working with big ideas. You may find that the optimism you feel merges with what you know, and you find yourself both teaching and learning a great deal.
A New Moon in Virgo on the 20th brings even more urges to expand things. You may be feeling a bit more inclined towards optimism and hope. Seeing how everything falls into place helps a great deal and keeps you going through small challenges or delays.
The month comes to a close with Mercury moving into Libra. This will have you reworking your plans a bit and truly believing in your dreams. You may find that your stamina and motivation are in lockstep and you’re able to take the lead. As others notice your strength and growth- you may also find admirers that surprise you to help you on your way forward.
Aquarius September Monthly Horoscope
Mercury stations direct on the 5th, which will certainly help all the issues with people you’d been having, Aquarius. You’ll find that being able to communicate more effectively helps to resolve a number of longstanding issues. In addition, that same day, Mars moves into Virgo and this will further help lend an energy of understanding across the board. You’ll find solutions are a bit easier to find now.
The Full Moon on the 6th is in Pisces. This will have you feeling more capable of settling issues- or, seeing the rewards of preparations you’ve already put into place. You may find that stability is your focus now. You may be a bit more sensitive than usual, so be careful not to take other people’s behavior or words personally for a while.
Pluto, in Capricorn, stations direct on the 28th. This will have you considering your karma, issues from your past, and moving forward. You can now better understand how certain things were holding you back and you can see how letting them go furthers your transitions forward.
On the 29th, when Mercury moves into Libra, you may be feeling like exploring a bit. You want to do and see new things, meet new people and this is what you should be doing. You may find that inspiration strikes the more you look at the overall picture, rather than muse on the details.
Pisces Monthly Horoscope
With Mercury finally stationing direct, you might find your worklife gets a bit easier, Pisces. You’re ready to get things organized and more productive and may discover your efficiency grows. Paying attention to your own stress levels and wellbeing to keep things in balance helps. That same day, on the 5th, you’ll find that as Mars moves into Virgo, you’re wanting to socialize more.
When Venus also enters Virgo on the 19th, you’ll find that theme of togetherness continues to deepen. It may seem as though you’re taking things much more seriously on all fronts, but especially in your love life. You want someone who is a true partner in every sense of the word- whether you are single or not.
Then on the 20th, the New Moon brings considerable rewards and new beginnings. You may find if you’re single- you just happen to find someone with potential. If not, your commitment may take the next level or you may find places to compromise that help. You may be more apt towards finding the balance now and find yourself in a more supporting role.
Though your goals and dreams for the future may have been somewhat challenged off and on the last few months- you may find Pluto’s direct station on the 28th eases things a bit. The ways you have had to adapt begin to show potential and you may start to fully recognize your actual role in things.
The month closes out with Mercury moving into Libra on the 29th. Now, you begin to get serious- and you’re able to take care of things more. You are not really inclined towards dealing with petty things and you’re going to focus more on the transformations taking place in your life now. Forging stronger alliances with others and creating stronger foundations with loved ones becomes a focus now.
We hope you enjoyed your September 2017 Monthly Horoscopes, written especially for you by Victoria. Victoria is one of our fabulous psychics who responds to text questions that you can submit by SMS. Get your reading here. At home, on the go, a text reading is the quickest way to get psychic insight!
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