Karmic Soul Connections
Not many people realise that a Soulmate isn’t necessarily your lifelong partner. There are many different types of Soulmate Connections and in this blog post I’m going to talk about one of the most common types of Soul Connection and that is the “Karmic Soul Connection”
Most of us in our relationship history will have had at least one of these Karmic Soul Connections and will no doubt be able to relate to the what I’m about to what I’m about to say about them.
In terms of how to recognise if you have had a Karmic Soul Connection or indeed are in a Karmic Soul Connection, one word pretty much sums it all up “destructive”. Yes, Karmic Soul Connections are indeed very, very destructive and often toxic relationships. However, we tried our hardest to make the connection work, because we have such intensive emotions and we believe in ourselves that this must be the right relationship as we feel so strongly, much to our own detriment.
Within these connections the sexual chemistry is very high, as we live on our nerves due to the unsteadiness of the relationship, often wondering what will happen next. Day Dreaming about our the relationship becoming steady and secure.
The Rubber Band Effect
Ever had that relationship that kept ending and getting back together, whereby neither one of you could really let go and give up? It is what is known as the “rubber band effect”. The more we try to let go and walk away, the more we are drawn back in, believing this time will be different. We keep returning to them, even though the relationship keeps breaking up. We become hooked on the buzz of reconciliation. It is common for some couples to keep following this pattern for years and years before finally deciding that it just doesn’t work.
A healthy relationship between two people has to be built on mutual love, respect, trust, loyalty and healthy boundaries. How many times have we dismissed this as being “boring”? Yet it seems to be what we all want. A Karmic relationship is built on arguments, sex, mistrust, possessiveness and jealousy. Often with these relationships, because we try so hard to make them work and we will do anything, anything at all to stop the connection from dissolving because we are hooked on it, our boundaries slip completely, often to the point of having no boundaries whatsoever. With no boundaries, there can be no respect!
No matter how hard you really try, you will never make this a Karmic connection work; you would always feel that you were trying to fit square pegs into round holes! Often you find yourself really trying hard to make it work with that commitment phobic or that player, or that person that is totally emotionally unavailable. The one that will never ever give you what you truly want, but they can’t seem to give you up either!
Learning The Lessons
The one thing that is certain once, you’ve come out of a Karmic Soul Connection and have experienced the exhaustion and the pain that goes with trying to make one of these connections work, you do certainly view life and future relationships very differently indeed. That’s is of course, so long as you have learnt the lessons that the Universe has set for us. Once you’ve learnt that lesson you find that you tighten right up on your boundaries and you know that “not being able to live without someone” and that you would do “anything at all” to make it work, even to the detriment of yourself and your own wellbeing, is entirely unrealistic. Now if you don’t actually learn your full lesson you may find yourself repeating the whole process with another Karmic Soulmate, until you have learnt enough life lessons to finally break that destructive cycle.
Yet ironically, long after the relationship has ended, it is often these Karmic Soul Connections that we hold dearest in our hearts and we look back nostalgically in terms of great spark and sexual chemistry. When in reality when we meet our true Twin Flame Connection life just isn’t that crazy at all. The bond is actually, solid, easy and comfortable. True love shouldn’t carry the pain of a Karmic Soul Connection.
Penny B
Pin Number 6732
The wonderful and caring Penny B offers sound and uplifting guidance in a reading with you. She has many years’ experience giving intuitive insight on all kinds of love readings. Speak with her directly for your positive guidance here; https://psychictoday.uk/reader/6732/penny-b