Knitting Together Numerology Series: Looking At The Number 8 (eight) – Go With The Flow
The latest in our Numerology series by Charnjit focuses on the number eight. Number eight is an infinite cycle. In fact, the number eight on its side is the symbol for infinity. The cycle has peaks, troughs and a midpoint – bridging the material and the spiritual. It can be seen as karmic, what you put outflows back.
Number Eight
Eight is also associated with abundance, which is a continual flow of giving and receiving. Hence, there is no lack. Those with eight in their chart are full of ideas and visions that can be shared for the greater good of humanity. They are natural entrepreneurs, easily able to spot a gap in the market.
Convincing others, however, is sometimes the challenge. Similar and yet different from number one. The number one will boldly walk alone pursuing their personal goals, laying foundations and planting seeds for those who choose to follow. However, the eights sometimes have such grand plans that a team is required to put the practicalities into place. They need to be flexible to allow that to happen; to delegate and allow others to take care of the details without micromanaging. This way, they can still hold fast to their vision and focus on the bigger picture.
Those with an eight soul number (derived from the vowels in the name) tend to be more about the recognition, status, and acknowledgement than the material gain – although that is always a bonus. It allows them to keep the dream alive by re-investing or to give away even more as their understanding of the eight energy grows.
Number Eight in Astrology
Scorpio rules the eighth house in western astrology. Scorpio is fixed water, ruled by Mars and Pluto. It is intense energy, delving into the unknown along with power and all things shared: the things we want to share and the things we don’t. The eighth house can show where we feel powerful and powerless. It goes to the high point of the eight and the low with the same intensity repeatedly. This is the ability of scorpionic energy. Those with Scorpio placements in their chart learn and understand how to work with the energy of what you put out there is what flows back to you – often through intense first-hand experiences.
Rose of Venus
Venus, the planet of love, goes through transit of eight years, creating a “five-petalled rose” pattern when it returns to its original position. Each of the five “petals” takes approximately one and a half years going through its own cycle of
(1) Venus goes direct
(2) Venus aligns with the Sun.
(3) Venus retrograde.
(4) Retrograde Venus aligns with the Sun.
(5) Venus goes direct
This may explain some of the eight-year cycles and patterns regarding love. The who, what, where, why and how aspects of love.
When we start to see cycles and patterns repeating in our lives, we become more conscious, understanding and compassionate.
Number Eight in Letters
The letters that represent the number eight are:
H – eighth letter (8)
Q – seventeenth letter (1 + 7 = 8)
Z – twenty sixth letter (2 + 6 = 8)
Having these letters in the name can indicate a business-like approach to things. Those whose name starts or ends with one of these letters will tend to start or complete things with an air of professionalism. When I look at the letters, I see HQ as in Head Quarters (the managerial hub of an organisation) and Z for Zorro! Zorro wears a mask but still wants to be acknowledged by leaving a “Z”. I also associate the letters H, Q and Z with HM Queen Elizabeth II who is currently the longest-reigning British monarch.
Number Eight in Tarot
In tarot, we have two major arcana that represent the number eight.
VIII – STRENGTH (confidence)
XVII – STAR (hope)
We have four minor arcana that represent the number eight:
(1) Eight of wands (travel)
(2) Eight of swords (liberty)
(3) Eight of cups (quest)
(4) Eight of pentacles (progress)
I also link the MAGICIAN and the two of pentacles with the number eight as they show the infinity symbol in some decks.
Using the keywords, we can create the following affirmation/meditation for the number eight:
I travel with the ebb and flow of life’s tides in my quest for liberty. I do so with hope and confidence, knowing that each lap of the wave is one of progress.
Number Eight in Chakra
I see the eighth chakra as the bridge chakra, although it is given other names. I see it as the chakra above the crown, bridging the body and the universe.
Yoga for the eighth chakra
Bridge pose (setu bandha sarvangasana)
Eagle pose (garudasana)
Alternate nostril breathing (Nadi shodhana)
Other Eights
Infinity symbol
8 ball (pool)
Magic 8 ball
Mobius strip
Feng shui – pa kua
Ida & Pingala
Noble eightfold path
Eight sabbats
Eight in Quotes
“For it is in giving that we receive.” ~ St. Francis of Assisi
“Accept whatever comes to you woven in the pattern of your destiny, for what could more aptly fit your needs?” ~ Marcus Aurelius
“We meet ourselves time and time again in a thousand disguises on the path of life.” ~ Carl Jung
“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” ~ Confucius.
Thank You for Reading
I hope you enjoyed my take on the number eight.
Next blog in the Knitting Together Numerology Series: Number 9 (nine) – What Goes Around Comes Around.
Wishing you much love, light and happiness,
Charnjit xx
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